Power supply 240 Volts
·         This circuit needs 12 volts DC of supply for the operational of the circuit. Enough power is required to generate the circuit. Alternative current (AC) also can be used instead of direct current (DC) but AC need to be convert to DC current by using step down transformer, bridge rectifier, filter and voltage regulator. The power supply of 240 volt AC is converted to 12 volts DC.

Front and Back Limit
·         This project use limit switch. This limit switch function is to stop the cloth hanger when its time.
·         This switch will activate when the cloth hanger is moving back to the limit switch sensor, this will make the motor to stop and ready to make the motor to rotate another direction to open/close the cloth hanger.

Forward / Reverse Control
·         This project use the relay to control the cloth hanger to lean forward or backward.
·         The relay will change the condition of the rotation when the cloth hanger is step on relay switch at back or front at the cloth hanger.

Light  / Rain Sensor
·         This project use 2 type of sensor:
o   LDR
§  The LDR is use to detect any change of the light brightness/contras of the environment.
§  This will make the cloth hanger to close when there is no light and at night.
o   Water Sensor
§  The water sensor is use to detect if there is any rain or water.
§  When there is a water at the sensor, the cloth hanger will close and when the there is no rain the cloth hanger will open back.

·         We use 12v DC motor to make the cloth hanger to move forward or backward.
·         The direction of motor rotation is depends on relay.

·         The relay will change the positive (+ve) and negative (-ve) current to the motor.


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